Ассоциация "БелБренд"

Youth in Science 2.0'19

#start-up-contest #NAS of Belarus# #BelBrand

A contest of start-up projects hosted by the 16th International Scientific Conference "Youth in Science 2.0'19" is a continuation of the "BelBrand" Association's cooperation with the Young Scientists' Council of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Belarus.

On October 14, 2019, members of the "BelBrand" Association took part in the work of the expert panel of the contest. The authors of 16 start-up projects presented their innovative ideas in different spheres: IT, ecology, machine engineering, medicine, social sphere and so on. The expert panel that also included experts from the NAS, the Start-up Centre of the Belarusian State University (BSU) and the business community, has chosen the most promising projects in terms of their commercialization. The authors thereof – Oleg Karachun from the Belarusian State Aviation Academy (the project "AR Technology in Technical Diagnostics"; Kirill Voroshukha from the Belarusian State Technological University (the project "Derivation of Aroma Compounds from Turpentine Oil"); and Victoria Zaitseva, Pavel Smirnov and Ekaterina Lizura (the joint project "Kontrafaktu.NET" (NO to Counterfeits).

On October 16, members of the expert panel conducted master classes for the authors of start-up projects. Elena Verbitskaya, the head of the institution "Innovation Development Centre", spoke on the "Start-up Project Business Plan: How to Sell an Idea"; and Nikolai Nikolaev, Director of the "WLW Group" Advertising Agency, spoke about advertising opportunities and project promotion on the Internet.

The conference, held in Minsk on October 14-17, included interdisciplinary and profile sections; a contest for the best report in English; thematic sections, and a robotic tournament for schoolchildren, as well as screening scientific films; a café, and visits to scientific institutes of the Belarusian NAS.

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